Located in Nashville, TN at the Hamilton Creek Marina on Percy Priest Lake.
This boat is in excellent like new condition, always in dry storage and sailed only on fresh water and only a couple of times per year
Grey deck, white hull with green boot and trim.
2 sets of sails and the North Set never used
motor mount, swim ladder, new standing rigging, tacktick, sailor tailor cover, galvanized trailer, green cockpit cover
overall lenght is 19 ft
length at water line is 18ft 6 inches
beam is 6ft 9inches
draft board up is 8inches
draft board down is 48 inches
mast height above water is 28 ft 2inches
sail area main and jib is 191 sq. ft
sail area of spinnaker approx. 200 sq. ft.
weight, all up is 850 lbs
gross trailering weight is 1200 lbs.
Alison, Your site was awesome! I sold my scot so please take off the listing. I think I could have sold it about 10 times!
Nashville, TN