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PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida, $125,500, Ad expired

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PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida

"Toucan" is a 1993 PDQ Capella Classic.

  • The hull was laid up in 1992 and she was completed in 1993.
  • As with all PDQ's she is rock solid in her construction and shows very little in the signs of wear.
  • Under the water she has no blisters or other signs of osmosis.
  • Toucan is the lowest priced PDQ on the market at present but this is certainly not due to her condition.
  • The photos were taken for this offering and show her as she is this minute.
  • All systems are in working order and I would not hesitate to provision her and sail away today.
  • "Toucan" is 36 ft in length and 18'3" in beam, drawing only 2'10'' with fixed keels.
  • She holds 55 gal. fuel for approx. 42hrs run time at 3/4 throttle and 90 gal fresh water with a 35 gal holding tank.
  • Her ample battery storage capacity and solar panel capacity mean never running out of power or for that matter having to conserve.
  • She sails fast and flat requiring very little water to float her making "Toucan" a great Bahamas and Gulf coast boat.

    If you are interested in owning a truly seaworthy midsize catamaran at a reasonable price, "Toucan" just might be your next boat.

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    Video of PDQ Capella Classic, 1993. Click photo to start. This is a large video, so please be patient while it downloads.
    PDQ Capella Classic VIDEO, click to start

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

    PDQ Capella Classic, 1993, Ft. Myers, Florida sailboat

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