Purchased two seasons ago for $8,500. This little jewel has an
alcohol stove, 2 new batteries, a new head, new fresh water plumbing
with new hand pumps at each sink, recently recovered cushions
($2,000), covers for mainsail, tiller and Lewmar winches.
The boat comes with 8 sails, including 3 jibs, 150 Genoa with CDI furler, fully battened Mylar racing main, Spinnaker, Gennaker, whisker pole and
spinnaker pole. It comes with two Danforth acnhors, rode and chain.
It has a bimini and a pop-top, Lazy Jacks. It has a Yamaha 9,9 Four
Stroke, High Thrust motor with electric start--runs great.
Bottom repainted two season ago. New depth plotter installed as well as new chart-plotter put in last season. Everything works great...only
exception that I'm aware of is mast-anchor light is not connected to electrical panel.