Sailing Texas home page 8/14/18,

Unique Authentic Dutch Grundel "Compaen", built 1946, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada, Taken off market 1/8/20

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Unique Historic Dutch Sailing Vessel "Compaen", 1946

Dimensions : Length 23 ft

  • Width 8' 4"
  • Weight approx. 2800 lbs
  • Material: solid 1" Dutch oak
  • Year built 1946 Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Comes with solid heavy duty single axle trailer.
  • Owner is willing to take the boat into the USA to a convenient location for the buyer.
  • Has a outboard motor well that will hold 5-6hp short shaft engine.
  • Location: Gananoque Ontario Canada Close to Alexandria Bay NY
  • Asking price : US $6,500.- Neg.

    This vessel has been registered in the Netherland with the Official Historic Foundation of Round and flat bottom Sail Yachts under # 82

    This yacht has been officially imported into Canada in 2007 from the Netherlands and has been undergoing a very meticulous period of restoration. which was recently early 2018 completed by a professional Dutch boat builder / restorer.

  • The sides all around from below rub rail on including the flat bottom has been preserved with epoxy layers, sealed with epoxy compounds, coated with 4 layers of Interlux Interprotect 2000E and three coats of Interlux Bottom Coat.
  • The interior has been perfectly conserved with a traditional treatment of a hot mixture of pine tar and linseed oil and sealed seems.
  • The jib and main sail are made of heavy dark tanbark Dacron in nearly new condition made in Holland by a professional sail loft.

    This is a unique vessel even to Dutch standards just a beautiful vessel that needs a new sailor / owner.

  • Reason to sell as age is catching up.

    For a potential buyer it is easy to import antique vessels into the USA with the proper documentation available to the buyer.

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    Unique Historic Dutch Sailing Vessel

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    Unique Historic Dutch Sailing Vessel