Drafts from Francis Godolphin Bond to Sir Hyde Parker on the Victory and Thomas Pakenham on the Irresistible seeking help. October, 1793

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Copyright © 2008, Alison Pryce, all rights reserved.
Goldolphin wrote the drafts for these two letters on a single sheet of paper. He has been on half pay and stuck in London for six weeks, and has received no compensation for being blown up. He needs a job.

This first one is to Sir Hyde Parker on the Victory.

London no.70 Gt. Russel St. Bloomsbury 22nd. October 1793
The courtesy which you were pleased to shew me when I had the honour of serving under your Command in the Orion, actuates me to presume addressing you on this occasion. I very much regret that the short time the Orion was in commission prevented me from shewing how much I was flattered with my situation, and how anxiously I wished for an opportunity of rendering myself worthy your attention.
Permit me Sir to inform you of the arrival of the Providence from the South Seas, having I trust, conducted myself during the voyage with some degree of credit, and given satisfaction to those concerned in the expedition. At present I remain unemployed, and I fear with little prospect of promotion. Pardon me Sir for expressing how highly I should feel myself honored and gratified at any future period to be fostered under your protection - Mr. Guthrie late one of the Lieutenants of the Providence goes out recommended to My Lord by whom I have taken this liberty of presenting to you Sir my best respects.
I have the honor to be Sir Your much obliged
and very humble servant F.G.Bond.

To Sir Hyde Parker Victory

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In the second letter he mentions getting nothing for being blown up and staying in London. Thomas Pakenham on the Irresistible at Torbay, asking him to write to Lord Chatham.

From the many favors and civilities I have experienced at your hands I am induced once more to claim your protection, and ask your assistance. I ever considered myself chiefly indebted to you Sir for the professional step I acquired when under your command in the Minerva- since which period I have dared to consider you the father of my fortune - It has been the general opinion that Lt. Portlock? of the Assistant, and myself as first Lieutenant of the Providence, would indisputably have gained promotion on our arrival, since the expedition had ended with every ~avorable circumstance: but the unfortunate report concerning the conduct of our commander in his former voyage, I am afraid has prevented My Lord Chatham from giving him an audience, consequently will very much weaken the efforts he has made to serve me, and probably tend to my total disappointment on that head. And as it is rumoured abroad that a large promotion of officers will take place in the course of a few days, I am exceedingly anxious to use my greatest efforts before that time, lest a long recess afterwards might effectually preclude me from advancing myself in the profession, for which I have the utmost respect and zeal. If I might dare Sir to solicit a letter from you to My Lord Chatham in my behalf, and his Lordship was also informed of the misfortune which had befallen me in being blown up, for which I receive not the least gratuity; I should indeed be very sanguine, knowing in what estimation your character is universally held. - I beg leave to acquaint you Sir of having been on half pay for six weeks, and from the hope of preferment, living in London to my great inconvenience, not having stirred from town to see my friends, that I might not be absent if any thing was presented to my advantage.
I have the honor to be Sir Your very faithful
and much obliged
Humble Servant
F.G. Bond

London 23 October 1793 The Hon. Thos. Pakenham Irresistable

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