Draft from Francis Godolphin Bond to Lord Spencer at Spithead, asking for promotion. July 6, 1797

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This is the draft of a letter that Bond sent to Lord Spencer at Spithead. He is asking for promotion and mentions him being blown up and 'suffering a grievous misfortune. It was written on the back of a letter that had been sent to Bond. This contains a list of "his correspondents" and includes Bligh.

My Lord,
I humbly pray your pardon for intruding myself on your notice at a time when so much publick business occupies your solicitude and attention; but lest the Order received by Admiral Parker, for the first Lieutenants of the Dart and Arrow to hold themselves ready to join the Pompee, in case those appointed to that ship do not appear before she sails hence, should be without your concurrence - I have presumed to address uour Lordship, trusting that my desire and zeal for any active employment will finally recommend me as worthy of promotion. Most cheerfully do I embrace any opportunity which may show my submission and obedience; trusting that twenty three years servitude in the Navy, and suffering a grievous misfortune from being blown up with gunpowder which has in no degree prevented the greatest assiduity in my profession, will impress on your Lordship that the honor you may confer on me is not undeserved from my character either as an officer or Gentleman. The testimonial of every Captain I have yet served under,for my abilities, sobriety, and activity, I would offer to your Lordship as the criterion whereby I would wish to be judged.
I have the honor to be My Lord
Your Lordship's
Most devoted servant F.G.Bond

The Right Honourable Earl Spencer
Arrow 6 July 97 Spithead

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List of Francis Godolphin Bonds correspondents.

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