Letter from Rear Admiral Hope in 1816 about Francis Godolphin Bond being blown up in 1779, May 16, 1816

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Transcription of letter from Rear Admiral Hope in 1816 about Francis Godolphin Bond being blown up in 1779, written May 16, 1816

Edinburgh May 16th- 1816
This is to certify that Captain Francis Godolphin Bond was, on, or about the month of October 1779, blown up, by an explosion of Gun Powder, on board the Pilote Cutter, a Prize to His Majesty's Ship Crescent, where he was ordered on Duty, and that he was then most dreadfully scorched and wounded with a Master's Mate, and Surgeon's Mate also, of the said ship, both of whom Died in consequence of their wounds and sufferings, that he recovered, but was for years an object of great misery, and when I last saw Captain Bond, his fingers then continued contracted from the effects of the Gun Powder, as well as his face lacerated most dreadfully.-
That I was, at the above period a Midshipman, and a Messmate of Captain Bonds on board the said Crescent, and I am ready to swear to the above, if required.

Given under my hand at
Edinburgh May 16th.1816
Wm. Johnstone Hope
Rear Admiral

A true copy of a letter or certificate from Rear Adm. W. Johnstone Hope dated Sunday 16 May 1816 to F.G. Bond
Thos (unreadable)

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